From Hermana Kleinman's blog... click link to read post.
Friday, August 26, 2016
Monday, August 22, 2016
En el Fundo
So I have no time again! But really quick, this week.....
Part of my tooth fell out! So I`m going to the dentist today to make sure it`s all okay. I was eatting goldfish crackers when I bit down on something hard. Turns out one of the pointy bits of one of my back molars fell off. Hmmmm...
One of the things I`d love to hear about from all of you returned missionarys is, what are some of your ideas to work well with the members? We have goals to have a certain number of lessons with members, but it`s a little hard because they don`t seem to be that enthused. What are some of the things you guys did in your missions to work together and help your investigators feel comfortable enought to come to church?
Dad, one thing I`ve started doing is singing " I love yooou! What more can I say? Believe me, there`s no other waaay." Haha my companion one day told me " I loove you" and it made me think of you and all the silly songs you sing.
One of the things the mission has changed about me is that I am starting to LIKE talking to compleate strangers. It`s pretty crazy. But you never know who the lord is prepairing to find us. Gotta baptize them all!
Love you guys! Have a great week!
Monday, August 8, 2016
¡¡Fundo El Carmen!!
Good morning family and friends! First off, I LOVE TEMUCO!! I am honestly so happy to be here! Big cities have always caught my attention, and now I live in one!
Our sector is gigantic. It`s probably about 3 Gorbeas and 2 Tolhuacas. But we have so many amazing people to teach. One is named Camilla, and she has been listening to the missionarys for 6 months. She understands everything, loves reading the book of Mormon, comes to church and everything but... she`s not married. Haha the story of the mission it seems. But we have big plans to help her and her boyfriend realize how important keeping the law of chastity is. Neither of them don`t really have a big objection to getting married. They mostly just want a big party and don`t have the money to pay for it right now. But we`ve got some big plans to help them out. I`ve known a lot of missionarys here who have thrown a big wedding in the church for their investigators, and I`m hoping we'll get to do the same thing.
Hermana Lopez is doing awesome! She is incredible! Has all the desires in the world to work hard and bring people to Christ. She is SUPER obedient, which is very different from my last companion, and is a huge example to me. I feel like I`m the one getting trained. We`re doing a lot of good here and seeing the blessings. There`s also a recent convert here who is the best person ever and always comes out with us to visit people. His name is Nicolas. One day a few months ago a few hermanas were sitting in a bus when they over heard a conversation going on behind them. A guy was talking to his friend about how he would love to find the true church of Christ. The hermanas started searching franticly for something to give him, a book or mormon or a pamphlet or anything but It was Pday and they had left it all home. FInally they turned around and yelled "are you joking???" Hahah it was a pure miracle, and now him and almost his entire family are super awesome members. Love this work and I love Christ and his example and sacrifice for us! Have a good week! Love you all bunches and bunches!
Sister Ashlee Bowling
♥ from Chile!
Our sector is gigantic. It`s probably about 3 Gorbeas and 2 Tolhuacas. But we have so many amazing people to teach. One is named Camilla, and she has been listening to the missionarys for 6 months. She understands everything, loves reading the book of Mormon, comes to church and everything but... she`s not married. Haha the story of the mission it seems. But we have big plans to help her and her boyfriend realize how important keeping the law of chastity is. Neither of them don`t really have a big objection to getting married. They mostly just want a big party and don`t have the money to pay for it right now. But we`ve got some big plans to help them out. I`ve known a lot of missionarys here who have thrown a big wedding in the church for their investigators, and I`m hoping we'll get to do the same thing.
Hermana Lopez is doing awesome! She is incredible! Has all the desires in the world to work hard and bring people to Christ. She is SUPER obedient, which is very different from my last companion, and is a huge example to me. I feel like I`m the one getting trained. We`re doing a lot of good here and seeing the blessings. There`s also a recent convert here who is the best person ever and always comes out with us to visit people. His name is Nicolas. One day a few months ago a few hermanas were sitting in a bus when they over heard a conversation going on behind them. A guy was talking to his friend about how he would love to find the true church of Christ. The hermanas started searching franticly for something to give him, a book or mormon or a pamphlet or anything but It was Pday and they had left it all home. FInally they turned around and yelled "are you joking???" Hahah it was a pure miracle, and now him and almost his entire family are super awesome members. Love this work and I love Christ and his example and sacrifice for us! Have a good week! Love you all bunches and bunches!
Sister Ashlee Bowling
♥ from Chile!
New companion! We`re super models la verdad
Monday, August 1, 2016
So I`ve got quite a bit of news: I am getting transfered! I was only in Tolhuaca for 6 weeks! Our district leader called us Saturday night and told us he had a suprise for us. We were going to know our transfers 3 days early!!! With presidente Wilhelm, we got told the tranfers Monday and had to leave for our new areas Tuesday Morning, but with Presidente May we get to know Saturday night! Its a lot better in a lot of ways because we get the chance to tell all the members and wish them well, but it`s also a little hard because it`s the only thing I`ve thought about since. My new sector is called Fundo de Carmen in the zone Temuco Ñielol. I`ll be working right outside the big city! Not only am I leaving after only one transfer, but I`m going to train a new missionary! My new companion is Hermana Lopez from Peru. It`s crazy how fast time moves. Two days ago I compleated 7 months in the mission!
So Sunday in the morning I was feeling pretty down. We hadn`t had that much success with our investigators. Nobody had really progressed or accepted the gospel like we hoped for. I was feeling pretty down and wondering why I had even come to Victoria if we hadn`t had very much progress. So we got all ready to get to church, called all the people we had invited to come and headed off to the chapel. We got in, got started, and right as presidente gave the opening remarks, ALL 4 OF THE FAMILY WE INVITED WALKED IN!!!!! We`ve been teaching a guy named Fidel, right? He almost got baptized but didn`t pass his interview. But he lives with his grandson, Jhonny, and his girlfriend Nelly, who have a boy Juaquinn together. Nelly recently started reading the book of mormon and loves it! They`re super super special, especially because when Hermana Lobos with her trainer found them, Jhonny wanted nothing to do with us. But in these past 6 weeks he`s started to listen to us a little more and stick around and talk with us. We had invited them to come to church twice in a row but both times something happened that kept them from coming. We invited them one last time, knowing that if they didn`t come we`d have to stop teaching them. In the house next to Fidel lives his daughter Alejandra with her son, Diego. Diego also came to church! This kid is a freaking genius. And he wants to get baptized! We`ve been trying our best to help him come to church, but last week he and his mom moved from their house in the country to live next to Fidel. MIRACLES!!!! We visted Jhonny and Nelly in the evening after church, and Jhonny LOVED the church! He is very anti religion, but he straight up told us that he wants to be baptized in our church and is planning on always coming. It is a pure miracle. They`re not married (freaking Chile) but unlike other unmarried people I`ve taught, they want to get married, only that they`re waiting for a free house that Chile will give them because Nelly is a single mom. The end of September they were planning on getting married anyways. And so Hermana Lobos is going to work her best to keep them on track so that when they`re living the law of chastity everything else is ready for them. I`m sooo sad to leave such wonderful people, but at the same time so greatful that Heavenly Father gave me the chance to see his work progress. This transfer was the hardest of my mission so far, but Hermana Lobos and I have grown to be best friends and work our butts off to see people accept the wonderful changes the Gospel brings.
Thank you so much for you love and support! ¡Exito!
Sister Ashlee Bowling
♥ from Chile!
So Sunday in the morning I was feeling pretty down. We hadn`t had that much success with our investigators. Nobody had really progressed or accepted the gospel like we hoped for. I was feeling pretty down and wondering why I had even come to Victoria if we hadn`t had very much progress. So we got all ready to get to church, called all the people we had invited to come and headed off to the chapel. We got in, got started, and right as presidente gave the opening remarks, ALL 4 OF THE FAMILY WE INVITED WALKED IN!!!!! We`ve been teaching a guy named Fidel, right? He almost got baptized but didn`t pass his interview. But he lives with his grandson, Jhonny, and his girlfriend Nelly, who have a boy Juaquinn together. Nelly recently started reading the book of mormon and loves it! They`re super super special, especially because when Hermana Lobos with her trainer found them, Jhonny wanted nothing to do with us. But in these past 6 weeks he`s started to listen to us a little more and stick around and talk with us. We had invited them to come to church twice in a row but both times something happened that kept them from coming. We invited them one last time, knowing that if they didn`t come we`d have to stop teaching them. In the house next to Fidel lives his daughter Alejandra with her son, Diego. Diego also came to church! This kid is a freaking genius. And he wants to get baptized! We`ve been trying our best to help him come to church, but last week he and his mom moved from their house in the country to live next to Fidel. MIRACLES!!!! We visted Jhonny and Nelly in the evening after church, and Jhonny LOVED the church! He is very anti religion, but he straight up told us that he wants to be baptized in our church and is planning on always coming. It is a pure miracle. They`re not married (freaking Chile) but unlike other unmarried people I`ve taught, they want to get married, only that they`re waiting for a free house that Chile will give them because Nelly is a single mom. The end of September they were planning on getting married anyways. And so Hermana Lobos is going to work her best to keep them on track so that when they`re living the law of chastity everything else is ready for them. I`m sooo sad to leave such wonderful people, but at the same time so greatful that Heavenly Father gave me the chance to see his work progress. This transfer was the hardest of my mission so far, but Hermana Lobos and I have grown to be best friends and work our butts off to see people accept the wonderful changes the Gospel brings.
Thank you so much for you love and support! ¡Exito!
Sister Ashlee Bowling
♥ from Chile!
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