Third week down, a bunch more to go! I can almost start saying that I have 17 months left instead of 18! Not that I'm counting or anything. I have an hermana, sister Bullock actually, who helped me put it into words perfectly. I'm so excited to be an RM and have the amazing blessings of being fluent in Spanish and being able to talk to people and get along with different personalities and so on and so forth, but the in between part, the actual mission. Ehh. Haha, I really am excited to experience all of this and to help people, but honestly, I'm still pretty selfish right now. Sin embargo, the MTC is certainly helping me to change that. For the first actual time in my life, this is not about me. Everything I do is with the intent to help others. The language I'm learning and the things I'm teaching, the people i'm with, it's all to help me help others. It's really cool to think about and begin to feel.
We went to the temple! Today! It was incredible! It was a 45 minute drive that would probably 5 minutes of driving in Star Valley, but the roads are so crazy that it takes forever to get anywhere. I hate it! I'm glad I don't have to drive in Chile! Mexico City, honestly, is pretty cruddy. The buildings all have graffiti on them and it smells awful, like open sewage. But you pull up to the temple and the world falls away. The grounds are beautiful and the temple is so pure in contrast with the city. We wore headphones to hear the English, but I turned the volume down on mine so I could hear the Spanish words y English at the same time. It was really cool to hear how some common words like "bueno" used in such sacred context. Spanish is similar to English in that regard. One word can mean a lot of different things.
Speaking (of) Spanish, I'm starting to really get it. We learned recently in our Language lesson about past particles and how to say things had happened in different tenses. Language is actually becoming fun for me instead of a chore. I can feel the lords influence in my life and his blessing to learn quickly as I pick up on these different word endings and meanings. Languages are so cool! It's also nice because Spanish is actually incredibly easy. You know how English has exceptions for every single rule? Spanish has waaay less exceptions to most rules. For example, in this tense, add -ado or -ido to the end of the word. That's the rule. No exceptions. It's so cool! Memorizing is getting more and more easier the more I understand the grammar rules, which makes knowing more words easier, which makes memorizing even easier! It's a wonderful cycle of learning.
Jesus the Christ is the best book ever. Ever. I read it for personal study and it explains so much about the savior. Speaking of the savior, on Sunday we have a devotional. This time it was a recording of a talk Elder Bednar gave a few years ago. It's probably called the "The Character of Christ". It was incredible. Please guys, don't take me for granted here. Do you want to understand Christ? Do you have questions about who he is and how to be more like him? Does it feel incredibly impossible to ever live up to his amazing example? How can grace help me? Listen to Bednars Talk! I'm sure you can find it somewhere. He is a little more relaxed and personable I think because he's talking at the MTC in Provo, not general conference, and it's great. Mom, Dad, get me a copy of that talk somehow! Link it in a pdf so I don't have to go to another website! I want to read it every week! Also read Jesus the Christ. Amazing.
Wow this is long. Sorry.
Missionary humor. It's really not that funny to the average person, but we're missionaries and so we think it's realllly funny. A lot happened this week, but these are my most memorable and I'm running out of time.
Elder Christensen to Hma. Bullock, who was acting sad: "Hermana Bullock, do you need a handshake?"
While walking through the comador (no se how to spell), Elder Meiling was taking a picture with a latino Elder who was leaving the next day. I ran over and tried to photobomb, but missed and just ended up bumping into E. Meiling's shoulder. Everyone one "ohhh!"-d, because we're not supposed to touch one another. A few minutes later he came and sat by me, handed me a Castidad (chastity) pamphlet and told me to read and then pray about what I had done.
Have a great week! Thank you for your love and support! I love it here and love the people and love what I'm doing!
Sister Ashlee Bowling
♥ from Chile!