Funny thing this week: There was a lot but this one particularly tickled me.
Everyone discussing our favorite colors, I say mine is Yellow, and elder Cheney says to me, "yellow is my favorite color of all the colors that suck." Harsh words Elder Cheney. Harsh words...
Hermana Bullock and I are getting along super good. She reminds me a lot of myself mixed with Meredith. We're both very silly, and have been singing Dora the Explorer in Spanish everywhere. Did you know Dora teaches the little latino children English here? So cute.
We've been playing a lot of vollyball. Elder Cheney is pretty much a sloth because he can just reach over the next and spike it down with zero effort. I have bruises all over my arms from the volleyball though but it's worth it because I'm getting not awful.
Talk to you all next week!
Sister Ashlee Bowling
♥ from Chile!
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