Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Que pasa calabasa?

Hey everybody! This is my final week! Me and the rest of my district, along with 10 or so other people all leave for Chile Santiago on Monday at 3:00pm! The flight is going to be around 8.5 hours and then we'll catch a second hour long flight to Concepcion! I am very excited to be leaving but at the same time just a little bit nervous. The real work begins! I forgot my notes, and so I don't remember a ton of things this week, but so far we've been still having a lot of fun. I really really like my district a lot. We've been playing volleyball during almost every gym time and we're all getting pretty boss. We got to watch the testaments(?) on Sunday for our movie and it was a super spiritual experience for all of us. The spirit has witnessed to me so many times that this gospel is true. Thanks so much everybody for your love and support! I've already grown a ton and can't wait to learn even more. If I don't email you next week, it may be because I think our p-day on the mission is on Monday. So I'll see you in two!

Elder Cheney is turning into the funniest person I've ever met. He kind of reminds me of Grant Sorenson ^^ Making jokes, someone gets made fun of: Elder Cheney "oh! There's no burn center at the CCM!!"
Stacking our chairs for the end of the night, we stack all of them into one huge tower: Elder Cheney "look, it's the leaning tower of cias! If the leaning tower of cias falls in a classroom and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?"

Sister Ashlee Bowling
from Chile!

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