· There are dogs everywhere. They all have fleas/might not be friendly and so we kind of have to shoo them away and avoid them and I can´t pet any of them. It´s hard. Especially when they´re cute, but I have a feeling that by the end of my mission I´m not going to like dogs anymore.
·It is super temerate and nice here! The weather is very similar to warm weather in Utah I think. It´s not ultra humid ever, and being in skirts helps too. But it is starting to get more rainy.
· WE HAD A FEW INCRDIBLE THINGS HAPPEN. Just typical missionary stuff. It´s always, always thrilling to schedule a lesson and then have the person actually be there when we go because people are kind of big fat liars here. But when that person is actually home and wants to talk with us; oh my word that is absolutuly the best feeling ever. There was a lady whos house we knocked that told us, "why haven´t you come before?" She helped the very first missionaries in Gorbea find an apartment and knows all about our church. She has a lot of really good questions and needs becuase her husband died not long ago and she has questions about that.
· we ran into the most crazy person ever. It´s kind of a long story. My very first day here, a man approached us asked why we haven´t talked to him yet. My companion had contacted him a few months ago but had never gone back. We went to visit and he told us that in 2005 he had a dream about two blonde girls who would help him find the true church. He would see my companion walk with Hermana Moran from El Salvador and think, I recognize the blonde girl, but her companion is different, and so he never came up to them. But when he saw me, he immediatly felt the spirit tell him that he had to talk us. We´ve taught him a few short lessons but today we´re going to teach him for real! Hope it goes well!
· really though, when a person has good questions its the best thing ever. A lot of people here believe us, and when we teach they agree, but they never seem interested in going to church or keeping the commitments. They´re just lazy and hard to get a hold of. hahaha I´m complaining a lot, but I really do love these people. They easily accept our message and are open to the spirits teachings, but they´re just difficult to help progress. But one guy, who my companion has been trying to get a hold of for over 3 months, finally was at his house when we went. he had incredible questions like, how did people get to the americas? the book of mormon is about america right? He´s read to 2nd Nefi right now! This was our first lesson with him! And he´s never had a lesson with other missionaries! At the end of the lesson we asked him to pray and he did it perfectly! A lot of people here don´t pray to heavenly father and don´t end their prayers in the name of jesus christ, even after we teach them how. But he did it without us even explaining! This guy is incredible!
· I also feel like I will never be truely, actually clean again while i´m here haha. It´s all good though. It´s just part of the life ^^
· Lastly, the videos, I can´t find hastag on this keyboard, but it´s (hastag)becausehelives. These videos are amazing. I think they´re also called The Life of Jesus Christ Bible Videos. These are amazing, please watch them.
Love you guys! Appreciate the gift it is to be born in the gospel and have the testimony of generations behind you. Nobody here has that. It´s a blessing I am very grateful for. No matter what has happened, I have never actually lost my belief and knowledge of this church.
Sister Ashlee Bowling
♥ from Chile!
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