This week was a miracle week. Let me tell you why.
Monday- We had an awesomeactivity where we played Quidditch. I didn`t take pictures because I`m a bad person =( Our team won because we were better =) Then we had a family home evening with Joaquin and his family, and a family from the branch who are super cool. Joaquinn is going to get baptized this Saturday! There`s not a huge conversion or anything SUPER intense when a part member family gets reactivated, at least not like Leandro, who had a HUGE conversion story. But it is cool to see how Rosa, Joaquins mom, is changing and trying to do things correctly to help her family. The mission is loads of fun.
Tuesday - We had a district meeting, and then a choir practice. It was my last district meeting in my old district, because of some complicacions we have to change our district with the other hermanas. It`s kind of sad because a district starts becoming kind of like your family, and you get, I don`t really know if attatched is the right word, but I`m gonna use it because I don`t have much time. We then went on splits with the other hermanas, and hermana Bazaes was my companion again ^^ She`s the best person. We visited Eliana Saez (prayer circle in the temple please), who is INCREDIBLE. We felt, after praying to know what to teach her, that we should explain the importance of repentance and baptism. It was super inspired, because Eliana is one of the VERY few people who I`ve met who WANTS to repent and WANTS to change and wants to do things right. She`s very humble and very sweet. She is also one of the few people I`ve met who wants to get married, because she knows it`s the right thing to do and feels guilty for living with her boyfriend. Pure miracles allí.
Miércoles - Another intercambio, this time with Hermana Guibarra, again! She`s INCREDIBLE. We taught Miguel Briceño, and she just laid it out flat, and with scriptures and everything told Miguel that God doesn`t change, never will change and neither will his doctrines or covenants. We said a prayer together where Miguel asked if he needed to get baptized, and then left right away. We`re hoping that tomorrow when we visit him he`ll have had some kinds of spiritual experiences.
Jueves - Not to much. We visited a less active member whos wife died about a month ago. I think I`ve written to you about him before. He really opened up this time and just told us how sad he was. I`m kind of a cry baby haha, and we we`re able to help him put some goals to get himself to the temple. It was super intense. Then we visited Joaquinn and taught him the word of wisdom. There`s a type of Coffee down here that isn`t real coffee, it`s made of wheat that members can drink, and Joaquinn wanted to promise to live the word of wisdom tomorrow because he wants to keep drinking the fake coffee lol. Then we took a bus to San Pedro because we had a multi zone conference with president.
Viernes - the conference. I don`t have a lot of time to go into details. It was really cool and me and my companion learned A LOT. It`s always fun to see the other missionarys again.
Sábado - We had a brainstorming session that took up a lot of our day. We`re going to plan a SUPER cool activity for the branch to help the members be more unified and work harder. I encourage all of you to go watch a video called something like Missionary work and the atonement. It has talks by Henry B Eyering and Jeffery R Holland.
Domingo - Joaquin went to church in another ward because he was with his dad for the weekend, and then we traveled to lota for a missionary attack, something like that in English. We found some cool people to teach, and there was a competition for who could find the most people and me and hermana Vasquez won haha. Good times.
Hope you all have a great week! love you and we`ll see ya next time.
Sister Ashlee Bowling
♥ from Chile!
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